Clean water is one of the most valuable resources on Earth. It is necessary for the very existence of plant and animal life. In the United States, most are lucky to have ready access to healthy drinking water. The people of Snohomish County are even more fortunate to have access to superbly natural water provided by the 164th Street Artesian Well in Lynnwood. This well provides a continual stream of free, untreated water directly from the Earth to those who brave the elements, and sometimes long lines, to fill up on the good stuff.

The 164th Street Artesian Well, also known as Well No. 5, was initially drilled in 1956. It was drilled 400 feet deep and cased at 120 feet. The untreated water from the well is kept clean, not through chemicals, but by an underground aquifer. The water in the well filters through rocks, gravel, and dirt, which sanitize the water. The City of Lynnwood maintains regular water testing and has given it a clean slate of health for the past 60 years.
Artesian wells such as this are rare as surface pollutants easily contaminate groundwater. In addition, the well’s natural water pressure brings the water to the surface, eliminating the need for pumping equipment. This is a rare combination that the City of Lynnwood is lucky enough to have in its own backyard. Although located in Snohomish County, people come from miles around to collect this water for drinking, cooking, or for their pets. This artesian well water always draws a crowd, whether for its health benefits or taste.

Access to the 164th Street Artesian Well is easy as the water runs steadily 24 hours a day. Be prepared with several jugs, a wheelbarrow if wanted for ease of transport, and a bit of patience. The well is located off 164th Street in Lynnwood, a busy road in a highly populated part of town. A small parking lot facilitates the ease of hauling the water to your vehicle.
Parking can be a bit awkward and tight at certain times of the day, so, if able, plan your trip mid-day during the week to avoid long lines which can gather at the well. Water flows fast and strong, up to ten gallons per minute through two spigots. Despite long lines, you can be in and out quickly. Back at home, relax and enjoy a glass of fresh, clean water scrubbed clean by the Earth itself.
164th Street Artesian Well
2399 164th Street SW